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Selected clips:

Consumer Reports Magazine

Consumer Reports Magazine

Shop Smarter for Sunscreen 7.1.18

Consumer Reports on Health

Consumer Reports on Health

Should You Try an Online Doctor? 5.4.18

Consumer Reports Magazine

Consumer Reports Magazine

Not Your Average Joe 10.1.17

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

Activated Charcoal Isn't a Magic Health Bullet 4.13.17

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

Exposure to Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses Could Influence Childhood Asthma Risk 2.24.17

Consumer Reports Magazine

Consumer Reports Magazine

Hearing Loss: No More Suffering in Silence? 2.2.17

Consumer Reports Magazine

Consumer Reports Magazine

Can You Snack Your Way to a Sounder Sleep? 10.29.16

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

Does the New Beyond Burger Taste Like Red Meat? 10.15.16

Consumer Reports Magazine

Consumer Reports Magazine

How to Eat Healthy at a Restaurant 9.20.16

Consumer Reports on Health

Consumer Reports on Health

Are You Getting Too Much Caffeine? 9.11.16

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

Is There Such a Thing As Healthy Ice Cream? 8.25.16

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

8 Toxic Foods For Dogs 7.30.16

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

5 Surprising Ways You Could Get an E. Coli Infection From Flour 7.13.16

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

Should Fears of Zika Keep You From Going to the 2016 Olympics? 6.16.16

Consumer Reports Online

Consumer Reports Online

FDA Is Not So Sweet On Sugars 6.1.16

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

You may want to think twice before buying expensive grass-fed beef 3.21.16

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

A sleep scientist says you shouldn't take sleeping pills — here's why 2.24.16

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

A Scottish nurse who survived Ebola is back in the hospital for the third time 2.23.16

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

Here is where Americans sleep the least 2.19.16

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

A hidden danger is lurking in the drinking water of a Midwestern city 1.12.16

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

This insane 12-mile-tall 'space elevator' concept is driving engineers crazy 8.20.15

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

Mike Huckabee tried to talk science at the Republican debate and it completely backfired 8.7.15

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

This new approach could be a solution to our superbug crisis 8.4.15

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

5 ways President Obama’s new carbon 8.3.15

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

Scientists are close to developing an invisibility cloak 8.2.15

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

'An exciting and unexpected discovery' shows that superbugs are even deadlier than we thought 7.31.15

Business Insider

Business Insider

The biggest discovery in new images of Pluto is what scientists didn't see 7.15.15

Business Insider

Business Insider

We’re so close to seeing Pluto up-close, but a single pebble could make NASA's mission go terribly wrong 7.13.15

Live Science

Live Science

Severe Infections Linked to Lower IQ 5.22.15

Live Science

Live Science

Secondhand Pot Smoke Can Make You Fail a Drug Test 5.19.15



Darkness From Above 5.7.15



Meltdown 4.30.15

Hakai Magazine

Hakai Magazine

Elusive Underwater Waves Hold An Uncertain Grip on the Climate 4.30.15



Five quick fixes to global warming and why we probably shouldn’t try them 4.22.15

Scientific American Mind

Scientific American Mind

Decoding Cats: What Purrs, Meows and Licking Mean 4.1.15

Scientific American Mind

Scientific American Mind

Everyone Can Gain From Making Music 2.12.15

Scientific American Mind

Scientific American Mind

Look Into My Eyes 12.18.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

Book Review: The Man Who Couldn't Stop 12.16.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

Where Ebola Suits Are Made 12.16.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

Personal Biases May Be Stoking the Flames in Ferguson 11.25.14

Scientific American Mind

Scientific American Mind

5 Ways to Treat Chronic Pain 11.17.14

Scientific American Mind

Scientific American Mind

10 Big Ideas in 10 Years of Brain Science 11.6.14

Scientific American Mind

Scientific American Mind

Electric Brain Therapies Improve Their Aim 11.1.14

Scientific American Mind

Scientific American Mind

All-Purpose Antidepressants 11.1.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

Fact or Fiction?: A Clove of Garlic Can Stop a Vaginal Yeast Infection 10.3.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

Liquid Benzene Squeezed to Form Diamond Nanothreads 9.26.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

Transparent Rats Give Scientists Clear View to Innards 9.16.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

When Peace Officers Dress For War 9.3.14

Science Notes

Science Notes

Health By Hookworm 8.20.14

Scientific American

Scientific American

Fact or Fiction?: The Tongue Is the Strongest Muscle in the Body 8.15.14

Scientific American Guest Blog

Scientific American Guest Blog

Parasitic Worms Wiggle Into Modern Medicine [Q&A] 5.12.14

NASA Visualization Explorer

NASA Visualization Explorer

A Mighty Wind 4.3.14

NASA Visualization Explorer

NASA Visualization Explorer

Igniting Waste 2.13.14

San Jose Mercury News

San Jose Mercury News

Crowdsourcing with a swipe of your finger 2.11.14

NASA Visualization Explorer

NASA Visualization Explorer

2.4.14 Star Burst

NASA Visualization Explorer

NASA Visualization Explorer

1.28.14 Cosmic Clumps

AGU GeoSpace Blog

AGU GeoSpace Blog

12.12.13 Rooting out carbon’s effect on plant growth



12.9.13 Bolstering a Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Lead Exposure

Scientific American MIND Blog

Scientific American MIND Blog

12.6.13 Plenty of Pheromones in the Sea

The Monterey County Herald

The Monterey County Herald

11.22.13 Monterey County could see driest year since 1949

The Monterey County Herald

The Monterey County Herald

11.17.13 UCSC study finds more targeted approach to marine conservation

The Monterey County Herald

The Monterey County Herald

11.13.13 Monterey College of Law student court takes on real issues

11.14.13 Longline fisheries in Costa Rica hook tens of thousands of sea turtles every year

The Monterey County Herald

The Monterey County Herald

11.6.13 Suspects in Carmel jewelry store robbery captured

Out of the Fog

Out of the Fog

10.29.13 Sleeping with my Data



11.4.13 A view from the future

The Monterey County Herald

The Monterey County Herald

10.27.13 Local researcher's cancer study shows promise

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